Use "abstractionist|abstractionists" in a sentence

1. Abrasivenesses abreactions abreacts abreast of(p) Abrenounce abreaction abreacting abrasives Abraum salts abreacted absolute pitch absolute scale Abstractiveness abstractly abstractness abstractnesses Abstractively abstractive abstractionist abstractionists abstractions Abstractitious abstractor abstractors abstrusely abstruseness

2. Of course, Miss Cary, I'm not an abstractionist.

3. Adjectives for abstract include abstract, abstractable, abstracted, abstractest, abstractional, abstractionist, Abstractionistic, abstractive, abstracting

4. Good for you, or we would have now an artist named Lyapin, some damned abstractionist!

5. A "lyrical abstractionist," he celebrated the potential of colour through a knowledgeable and skilful use of paint.

6. Like many postwar abstractionists, she recognized the prominence of Zen Buddhism and followed author Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki, Zen’s Western authority.

7. Abdominoplasty abominableness aboriginalisms abortifacients abortivenesses abrasivenesses absentmindedly Absolutenesses absorbefacient absorptiometer absorptiveness absorptivities absquatulating abstemiousness abstentionisms abstentionists abstractedness abstractionism abstractionist abstractnesses abstrusenesses …

8. They were in strong contrast to a group called the 'Lianozovo Group' artists, a loose group around Oscar Rabin, who were primarily abstractionists.

9. Then there are more modern forms of impressionism as well as the futurists, the abstractionists, the cubists, the surrealists and the essentialists.

10. Abdominoplasty abominableness aboriginalisms abortifacients abortivenesses Abrasivenesses absentmindedly absolutenesses absorbefacient absorptiometer absorptiveness absorptivities absquatulating abstemiousness abstentionisms abstentionists abstractedness abstractionism abstractionist abstractnesses abstrusenesses …

11. Peacock had developed his own voice as a "process abstractionist" of the "fluid school" associated with Jackson Pollock, Helen Frankenthaler and Morris Louis.

12. Abstractionistic abstractionists abstractions abstractitious abstractive abstractively abstractiveness abstractly abstractness abstractnesses: abstractor abstractors abstracts abstracts of title abstractum abstrict (current term) abstricted abstricting abstrictions abstricts: abstringe abstringed abstringes abstringing abstrude abstruded

13. The inclusion of Eastern European as well as Italian and French manifestations of the abstractionist movement is an outstanding feature of the collection and rarely to be found in museums.

14. Most of his pieces betray his respect for the abstractionist ideals of the French school, but his seemingly naive themes (water, crowds, a Chopin Fantasia or a childhood memory) empower his music with an unusual force of evocation.

15. In each of these works the artist appeals to the concept, and then he interprets it and nourishes it with abstractionist and geometric forms, where the light waggling of inert bodies defy the laws of gravity and create a formidable artistic piece.

16. Nonetheless, his best works, which frequently place wild animals in carefully researched, ecologically accurate natural settings, are also sophisticated compositions that often owe a considerable debt to modern abstractionists such as Mark Rothko and Canada's Paul-Emile BORDUAS as well as to traditional Japanese and Chinese art.

17. Recognized in the late 1950s and early 1960s as one of Canada's pioneering abstractionists, Urquhart has been linked with some of the major developments in contemporary Canadian art: with the Toronto-based group of abstract painters centred on the Isaacs Gallery and with the noted London Group which also included Jack CHAMBERS and Gregory CURNOE.

18. I took the rather stark designs of the Bauhaus and the sculptor Alexander Calder as my starting points, but as the production evolved I drew back from the abstractions of those sources of inspiration and arrived at something more organic, perhaps more inspired by the work of Gaudí or the Organic Abstractionists.

19. Both Tobey and Harris introduced Carr to the Symbolist-Abstractionist art that originated in northern Europe, and much of her work on rhythm and movement in the 1930s owes its foundation to these teachings.5 Carr's journal offers little insight into her trip to New York in 1930, but it modified her artistic practice and situated her work within a discourse of modernist landscape art in North America.